AEI Tèxtils organized the second project meeting of the European project TEXSTRA – Textile Strategy for Innovative Higher Education, co-funded within the Erasmus+ program aiming to contribute on the knowledge transfer from researchers and innovators to students and trainees in the textile and confection sector with project-based e-learning
The second meeting of TEXSTRA– Textile Strategy for Innovative Higher Education project was held on Friday 11th May in Terrassa (Spain) and was organized by AEI Tèxtils, the Catalan technical textiles cluster, in the facilities of LEITAT Technological Center, member of the cluster.
The main goal of this meeting was to review the progress made since the project start on September 2017. The status of the national and European reports on the learning needs analysis was presented, they are based on the surveys made to the textile and clothing sector in the participating countries.
The objective of these reports is to identify and analyze the characteristics of the textile-clothing sector in relation to the existence of research and non-technological innovation in the companies and in the training curricula. The full report of this initial study will be published during next month, on June.
Other activities currently being performed are the design of the capacity building training macrostructure to enable transferring research and innovation, and the setting up of the online platform.
During the meeting, the learning curriculum structure of the materials that will be developed within the frame of the project into an electronic media (e-book) was validated.
After the meeting, the TEXSTRA consortium made a guided tour to the research facilities of LEITAT Technological Center including its newest facilities, the IAM 3D hub.

TEXSTRA team during the visit to LEITAT Technological Center